Sustainable Research & Action for Environmental Development (SRADev)/ar

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This page is a translated version of the page Sustainable Research & Action for Environmental Development (SRADev) and the translation is 94% complete.
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Organization name

Sustainable Research & Action for Environmental Development (SRADev)

Organization link

Organization type

منظمة غير حكومية ومؤسسة فكرية



Current focus/area

تغير المناخ



مصادر الطاقة المتجددة



خدمات استشارية


بناء القدرات


نشر المعلومات

النشر/ منشور


تعزيز التوعية


SRADev seeks to be the voice for environmental development in Africa particularly, Nigeria while acting as a catalyst, advocate, educator and facilitator to promote the wise use and sustainable development of the environment.

Their mission is to promote sustainable development by facilitating sound environmental practice, the exchange of information, building bridges of understanding on environmental health and natural resource conservation in a sustainable way and ensuring that the local people are put on the driver’s seat in the sustainable management of the environment.

An example of their work involves the consultation with government bodies to get relief packages to frontline workers in order to support them in the execution of their respective duties.


Compendium source

9° 4' 55.20" N, 8° 40' 31.08" E

تغير المناخ


التخفيف تغير المناخ </br></br>التكيف </br></br>التخفيف </br></br>مصادر الطاقة المتجددة</br></br>الطاقة </br></br>التوعية</br></br>خدمات استشارية</br></br>البحث </br></br>بناء القدرات</br></br>التدريب</br></br>نشر المعلومات</br></br>النشر/ منشور </br></br>التعليم</br></br>تعزيز التوعيةمات

النشر/ منشور


تعزيز التوعية +
SRADev seeks to be the voice for environmeSRADev seeks to be the voice for environmental development in Africa particularly, Nigeria while acting as a catalyst, advocate, educator and facilitator to promote the wise use and sustainable development of the environment.</br></br>Their mission is to promote sustainable development by facilitating sound environmental practice, the exchange of information, building bridges of understanding on environmental health and natural resource conservation in a sustainable way and ensuring that the local people are put on the driver’s seat in the sustainable management of the environment. </br></br>An example of their work involves the consultation with government bodies to get relief packages to frontline workers in order to support them in the execution of their respective duties.</br></br>(website)ion of their respective duties. (website) +
9° 4' 55.20" N, 8° 40' 31.08" ELatitude: 9.082
Longitude: 8.6753
Sustainable Research & Action for Environmental Development (SRADev) +
منظمة غير حكومية ومؤسسة فكرية +