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Revision as of 23:00, 23 February 2023

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Organization name

Right Energy Partnership

Organization link


Organization type




Current focus/area

Territorial management Environmental rights Land use Knowledge sharing Renewables Energy Indigenous rights Sustainable development Wellbeing


Right Energy Partnership supports Indigenous people's organizations and their allies in Chile, Kenya, Nepal, and the Philippines to work together to promote their rights and well-being in the implementation of renewable energy projects in their territories.

(EJRF Grant doc)

Compendium source

CJRF Grantees List

... more about "Right Energy Partnership"
CJRF Grantees List +
Territorial management

Environmental rights Land use Knowledge sharing Renewables Energy Indigenous rights Sustainable development

Wellbeing +
Right Energy Partnership supports IndigenoRight Energy Partnership supports Indigenous people's organizations and their allies in Chile, Kenya, Nepal, and the Philippines to work together to promote their rights and well-being in the implementation of renewable energy projects in their territories. </br></br>(EJRF Grant doc)s in their territories. (EJRF Grant doc) +
Right Energy Partnership +