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Organization name


Organization link

Organization type

Organisation à but non lucratif Dirigé par des femmes Dirigé par le BIPOC



Current focus/area

Droits humains Liberté de la presse Démocratie Diffusion de l'information Partage des connaissances Santé Égalité des genres Santé Covid 19


At Internews, an international media support nonprofit, we believe everyone deserves trustworthy news and information to make informed decisions about their lives and hold power to account. We work in over 100 countries and in more than 110 languages to support thousands of journalists and information providers to increase the availability, accessibility and accuracy of information globally on a variety of important thematic areas, including environment, climate, human rights, health/Covid-19, gender, elections and democracy and more.


Active in over 100 countries and working in 110 languages.

Compendium source

CJRF Grantees List

36° 46' 41.88" N, 119° 25' 4.44" W

... more about "Internews/fr"
CJRF Grantees List +
Droits humains

Liberté de la presse Démocratie Diffusion de l'information Partage des connaissances Santé Égalité des genres Santé

Covid 19 +
At Internews, an international media suppoAt Internews, an international media support nonprofit, we believe everyone deserves trustworthy news and information to make informed decisions about their lives and hold power to account. We work in over 100 countries and in more than 110 languages to support thousands of journalists and information providers to increase the availability, accessibility and accuracy of information globally on a variety of important thematic areas, including environment, climate, human rights, health/Covid-19, gender, elections and democracy and more.</br></br>(review)</br></br>Active in over 100 countries and working in 110 languages.00 countries and working in 110 languages. +
36° 46' 41.88" N, 119° 25' 4.44" WLatitude: 36.7783
Longitude: -119.4179
Organisation à but non lucratif Dirigé par des femmes Dirigé par le BIPOC +