Alaska Institute for Justice/es

Revision as of 11:37, 17 May 2023 by CjjtAdmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Violencia de género")
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Organization name

Alaska Institute for Justice

Organization link

Organization type

Organización sin ánimo de lucro (OSAL)



Current focus/area

Derechos humanos Derechos de los migrantes

Violencia de género

Sexual health and reproductive rights Legal support Research Policy


The Alaska Institute for Justice (AIJ) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the human rights of all Alaskans. Formerly known as the Alaska Immigration Justice Project, it transformed into the Alaska Institute for Justice to reflect the inclusion of an additional program dedicated to environmental and social justice issues, the Research and Policy Institute.


Compendium source

CJRF Grantees List

64° 12' 2.88" N, 149° 29' 37.32" W