BOMA Project/fr

Revision as of 11:07, 3 April 2023 by CjjtAdmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Autonomisation des femmes")
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Organization name

BOMA Project

Organization link

Organization type

Organisation non gouvernementale (ONG)



Current focus/area

Amélioration des moyens de subsistance

Autonomisation communautaire

Renforcement de la résistance

Autonomisation des femmes

Women leadership


The BOMA Project empowers women in the drylands of Africa to establish sustainable livelihoods, build resilient families, graduate from extreme poverty, and catalyze change in their rural communities.


Compendium source

CJRF Grantees List

0° 1' 24.96" S, 37° 54' 22.32" E